Friday, January 4, 2008

"The Girls"

I have spent some of my winter break going through some of my things trying to determine if I want to move it cross-country. I found a box of pictures and couldn't resist looking through some of them. I ran across these photos of my sister's kids. I can't believe how quickly they have grown up! Lauren, the oldest, is now majoring in education at Missouri Southern State University. Allison is currently in the 7th grade and is a star volley ball player. I'm very proud of both of them--they're both great kids!

This was taken 4 or 5 years ago while I was visiting the family in Joplin.
Miss Lauren playin' a tune for Uncle Steve. This was taken nearly 6 years ago while the White House was visiting Northern California.
Allison is performing at a piano recital in Webster Hall on the campus of Missouri Southern State University. This is also the place where I did my senior recital when I was a student there in '96.

1 comment:

4man42 said...

Steve, I don't think I ever saw the picture of you and Lauren where she is fiddling. I can just feel the fun you guys had!