Through her friendship, I have met many wonderful people who have enriched my life and have made being far from my own family a lot easier to bear. She was a tower of strength for me while I was going through the Master's degree program in Public School Administration, lending support and advice and even standing in for my mom and dad on graduation day. This past Christmas, she invited my best friend Tom and me to join her family for the big Christmas Eve celebration. It was one of the most enjoyable evenings either one of have spent in a very long time and it was such an honor to spend it with such incredibly warm and caring people.
Nearly two years ago, Adeline was diagnosed with cancer and is currently waging an incredible war against the disease. She is an amazing human being with such a determined and beautiful spirit--truly one of the most inspiring people I have known.
This past Saturday, I joined five other musicians to present a fund-raising concert where all proceeds will go for cancer research. It was held in a small church in the Los Angeles area and raised nearly $2,000. The best part was Adeline was able to attend the concert where I debuted the piece I composed in her honor entitled "Adeline's Waltz."
Below is a picture taken at the reception that followed the concert--I think she looks simply beautiful!

Congratulations, this blog really touched me, many blessings to alL~
keep doing good stuff~
That is a great post & a great way to honor your friend. Both of you are very blessed to have such a friendship.. I will have her put on the prayer lists here in Texas..See you in a few weeks...John
Steve, what a wonderful post. Adelaine looks smaller and her beautiful hair is gone, but she still has that wonderful smile. Wish I could be there to give her a hug! She's such a beautiful person.
Son, you're looking great too! Can't wait to see you!
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