Monday, August 11, 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014. Almost an opportunity missed!

Look how dry I was able to stay!  Amazing!  Walking in the rain is a unique experience, one that I hope everyone gets to try once in their lifetime.  Instead of being worried about getting wet, I was able to focus on what the neighborhood is like during the rain.  

Other than the occasional car, it was strangly quiet!  Notice that awesome water puddle on the sidewalk?  One of the best walks I had living in Los Angeles, was the day I walked right through the middle of a water puddle six times of the size of the one pictured here.  

I was amazed to see that the next couple of streets were flooded.  Check out my path of travel as recorded on "MapMyRun" app--can you guess which streets were flooded?  I was trying to make a circle from the starting point (indicated by the green dot below).

Reboot Monday was a success after all!  But, my good thoughts for those folks with flooded streets.  I hope the water stayed in the streets and out of the basements.

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