Saturday, August 2, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014.....the beginning.

Today is the day that I have started down a new road toward better health.   It seems I have had many of these journeys yet, instead of being discouraged by what some might perceive as failures, I view them as learning experiences!  Successful short journeys are opportunities to gain valuable information about how what makes us tick.  For example, one summer I road my bicycle as many as 20 miles in one day.  I remember what drove me to build my physical endurance to ride that far--I also remember how terrific I felt while I was doing it, how well I slept, how good it felt to buy smaller clothes and how great it was having friends and family remark on my improved appearance.  Unfortunately, life happens and for whatever reason we stop treating ourselves well.  The beautiful thing is that we can, at a moments notice, turn a corner and begin again on a new journey.  Here is mine.

So, I will record my progress here....the good with the bad...the pretty with the ugly!  And so, for day one, I have located and/or replaced pieces of my bicycle.  When the movers put it on the truck over three years ago, they felt it would be better to remove the front tire, seat and pedals and not wrap them all together in one package!   But here, she is....unridden since my accident, June 16, 2009.  Thanks to Tom for encouraging me to give it another try.  Notice the price written on the bike seat?  I was going to sell it before I moved...thankfully, no one bought it.  I still need to get air in the tires and adjust the brake/gear controls on the left handle (they were bent when I flipped over the handle bars).  My goal is to go for a test ride tomorrow afternoon!

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